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Fatty liver

Counts:9482021-11-19 09:57:26  Source:邯郸肝病医院|邯郸朝阳中医院|中医疏通化纤法|淋滞疏通丸|羚羊清肝胶囊|佛手托魂丸|肝硬化腹水|肝癌腹水——邯郸市肝病研究所

Liver is an important organ for human body to metabolize fat. Fatty liver can be formed by excessive accumulation of fat in hepatocytes caused by various reasons.
Fatty liver is a reversible disease. Early diagnosis and timely treatment can restore the liver lesions to normal. Although fatty liver is not an incurable disease, without early diagnosis and timely formal and reasonable treatment, the development process of its lesions is from simple fatty liver, steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, which has become a recognized fact in medicine. In addition, especially mild fatty liver, some patients have no obvious symptoms and can only be found during physical examination, so we should pay attention to daily physical examination.
For the treatment of fatty liver, the etiology is very key. If the etiology is removed, the liver fat will naturally be normal and the test will return to normal. First of all, we must find out the cause of the disease. If the cause is caused by drinking, alcohol abstinence is the most important. If it is related to diabetes, we must control blood sugar. If obesity is caused, we must control our weight, exercise more and lose weight. The fat content of the liver will decrease and return to normal.
Diet is also noteworthy. We must eat a low-fat diet, advocate high-quality protein, such as lean meat and milk, and supplement a large amount of vitamins at the same time. Another key is exercise. Aerobic exercise is advocated. Exercise can increase fat consumption and reduce weight. Therefore, diet and exercise should be combined. In addition, it is drug treatment. For mild fatty liver, drug treatment can not be considered. Through lifestyle adjustment, dietary structure adjustment and a lot of exercise, the weight can be reduced, and the fatty liver can disappear. Drug treatment is mainly for moderate or severe fatty liver, and there are elevated aminotransferase and abnormal liver function. These patients need drug treatment. Shutong Huaxian pill and Qinggan Shutong pill, a series of traditional Chinese medicine dredging chemical fiber method developed by Handan Institute of liver diseases, are Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of fatty liver. They can remove inflammatory deposition in the liver, resist liver fibrosis and promote the transformation of excess fat in the liver. Qinggan Shutong pill is suitable for patients with abnormal liver function of fatty liver, mainly focusing on the control of liver damage, It has a good effect of reducing enzyme and yellowing, protecting the liver, resisting peroxidation free radicals, and enabling liver cells to return to normal. Drug treatment is combined with exercise and diet in order to achieve good results.

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