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Stomach trouble

Counts:9562021-11-19 09:53:04  Source:邯郸肝病医院|邯郸朝阳中医院|中医疏通化纤法|淋滞疏通丸|羚羊清肝胶囊|佛手托魂丸|肝硬化腹水|肝癌腹水——邯郸市肝病研究所

Chronic gastritis is a chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa. Most chronic gastritis can be cured by adjusting drugs and diet,
Chronic gastritis often has no typical specific symptoms. The common symptoms of most patients are epigastric pain after or before meals, fullness and discomfort, sometimes accompanied by belching, acid, heartburn, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. A few patients can have upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The course of chronic gastritis is long and difficult to heal. It is often easy to relapse in case of adverse stimulation after healing. Chronic gastritis can also easily lead to weight loss, malnutrition, anemia and other complications.
The treatment of chronic gastritis includes removing the etiology, alleviating symptoms and improving the inflammation of gastric mucosa. To eliminate the etiology, we should first adjust from the individualization of diet and lifestyle. It is recommended to eat a low salt and low-fat diet, avoid greasy and spicy food, and detect the infection of Helicobacter pylori. For atrophic gastritis or HP, that is, gastritis infected with Helicobacter pylori, Helicobacter pylori should be actively eradicated.
The treatment principle of chronic gastritis is mainly drug treatment. The purpose of treatment is to eliminate the causes of the disease, reduce the symptoms, improve the quality of life of patients, reduce the recurrence of the disease and delay its progress. Many patients with stomach disease are ill in the liver and manifest in the stomach, or have the same disease with the liver and stomach, but ignore the treatment of stomach disease. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the spleen and stomach are in the center and reach all sides", "the spleen and stomach is the foundation of the day after tomorrow", "the spleen and stomach are like the food and salaries of the army, and it is difficult to apply hundreds of drugs once the spleen and stomach are defeated". Stomach disease is a stumbling block of liver disease. If stomach disease is eliminated, liver disease is easy to heal. Therefore, don't forget to treat the stomach and strengthen the spleen.
Patients with chronic gastritis can appropriately choose Chinese patent medicine for treatment. For example, Shuwei pill in the traditional Chinese medicine dredging chemical fiber method developed by Handan Institute of liver disease can not only treat the stomach but also nourish the stomach. It is a common medicine for liver disease with gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, we need to pay attention to light diet, develop good eating habits, eat regularly and quantitatively, do not smoke or drink, keep the stool unobstructed, pay attention to keep a happy mood, rest, work and rest, etc.


Last:Health preservation

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