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Got fatty liver, what symptom can you have?

Counts:6472021-11-19 14:01:04  Source:邯郸肝病医院|邯郸朝阳中医院|中医疏通化纤法|淋滞疏通丸|羚羊清肝胶囊|佛手托魂丸|肝硬化腹水|肝癌腹水——邯郸市肝病研究所

With the improvement of living standards, fatty hepatitis is seriously threatening the health of our people. It has become the second largest liver disease after viral hepatitis. It is recognized as one of the common causes of cryptic cirrhosis, and the incidence rate is increasing. The age of onset is also becoming younger.

When these symptoms appear, we should be alert to whether we have fatty liver.
Mild fatty liver: mostly asymptomatic and easy to be ignored. According to records, more than 25% of patients with fatty liver can be asymptomatic clinically. Some only feel tired, while most patients with fatty liver are fat, so it is more difficult to find mild conscious symptoms.
Moderate and severe fatty liver: the clinical symptoms are similar to those of chronic hepatitis, including loss of appetite, epigastric discomfort and fullness, nausea, even vomiting, fatigue, weight loss, hidden pain in liver area or right upper abdomen, etc. The late stage of fatty liver has poor tolerance to fat and protein, and it is easy to cause diarrhea when entering greasy food.
In addition, fatty liver patients often have changes of peripheral neuritis such as glossitis, angular stomatitis, skin ecchymosis, limb numbness, limb paresthesia and so on. Patients with severe fatty liver can have ascites, lower limb edema and electrolyte disorders, such as hyponatremia and hypokalemia. In the late stage of fatty liver, there are often epistaxis, gingival bleeding, skin congestion, gastrointestinal mucosal erosion and bleeding, nasal bleeding, hematemesis and black stool. Women often have symptoms such as menorrhagia.
Fatty liver has various manifestations. When it is difficult to diagnose, it can be diagnosed by liver biopsy.
The liver plays an important role in human health. The liver is the operation center of the human body. The damage of liver function will also affect other organs of the whole body. Fatty liver should be paid enough attention and vigilance.

Last:Does fatty liver need treatment?

Copyright: Handan Institute of liver diseases Contact: Handan Institute of liver diseases Tel: +86-310-7182666
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