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Does fatty liver need treatment?

Counts:6392021-11-19 13:58:02  Source:邯郸肝病医院|邯郸朝阳中医院|中医疏通化纤法|淋滞疏通丸|羚羊清肝胶囊|佛手托魂丸|肝硬化腹水|肝癌腹水——邯郸市肝病研究所

"I don't feel it, it doesn't hurt or itch, and I don't need treatment. Fatty liver is not a disease." this is the most heard sentence about fatty liver. Is that really true?

First of all, we should clarify how fatty liver is formed?

Because the liver cannot "transport" excess fat, these fat accumulate in the liver itself, resulting in fatty liver. According to the amount of fat deposition in the liver, it can be divided into light, medium and heavy.
Does fatty liver need treatment?
According to a national cohort study involving 60000 people in Sweden, the total risk of death within 30 years for people with fatty liver is still 71% higher than those without cirrhosis and in a similar control group.
According to the current research results, about one in 11 patients with fatty liver in China has liver cirrhosis.
The current medical level can not accurately predict which unlucky people with fatty liver will eventually develop into severe liver cirrhosis. Therefore, the best way is to pay attention to it.
Therefore, after the discovery of fatty liver, we should not simply "eat light" and pass by. We should also cooperate with doctors to further investigate the causes. Fatty liver is a reversible disease. Early diagnosis and timely treatment, especially mild ones, are really not difficult to reverse. Most patients with fatty liver can return to normal.

Next:Got fatty liver, what symptom can you have?

Last:What if you have fatty liver?

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