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Will it be contagious to have dinner with a friend of hepatitis B?

Counts:6402021-11-19 13:55:33  Source:邯郸肝病医院|邯郸朝阳中医院|中医疏通化纤法|淋滞疏通丸|羚羊清肝胶囊|佛手托魂丸|肝硬化腹水|肝癌腹水——邯郸市肝病研究所

Will it be contagious to have dinner with a friend of hepatitis B? Because the harm of hepatitis B is obvious to all, many people regard it as a scourge for fear of infection, refuse to eat at the same table with them, and even refuse to shake hands. Does this worry make sense?

Knowing the way of transmission of hepatitis B virus, there is no need to worry that chopsticks on the table will become a bridge for the spread of hepatitis B virus. According to the etiology, viral hepatitis is divided into five kinds, namely, a, B, C, D and E. Among them, only hepatitis A and HEV are diseases transmitted by the digestive tract. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and hepatitis are all diseases of blood transmission (limited to body fluid exchange, including mother to child transmission, blood transmission and sexual transmission). They are not transmitted through the alimentary canal.
Especially those who have been vaccinated against hepatitis B need not worry because the antibodies in the body will make the body safer. Therefore, the normal life, study and work contact with hepatitis B patients, including eating together, talking to each other, shaking hands and hugging, will not be infected.
Hepatitis B vaccination is an important and effective way for the general population to prevent and cure hepatitis B. For patients infected with hepatitis B, there is no need to worry too much. Hepatitis B is controlled by standardized examination and treatment. Most people's condition is well controlled, and there are very few serious complications.
After having a scientific understanding of hepatitis B, we should treat our hepatitis B friends correctly and do not harm them because they do not understand the disease.

Next:What if you have fatty liver?

Last:What is the difference between acute hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis B?

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