In a healthy state, there is about 50 ml of free liquid in the abdominal cavity, which lubricates the intestinal tract. Under normal circumstances, the fluid in the abdominal cavity is in and out of the dynamic balance. If this balance is unbalanced for various reasons, the volume of fluid in the abdominal cavity accumulates too much, and ascites is formed.
Ascites can occur suddenly or occult for several months. Abdominal distension is the main symptom of the patient. Cirrhosis is the main cause of ascites, and non cirrhotic ascites accounts for about 20%.
The diet of ascites patients should be low salt, light, digestible and nutritious. Especially for patients with hypoproteinemia, the intake of sodium salt and water should be strictly controlled.
Warm reminder: low salt diet is also applicable to all patients with leaky or exudative ascites, so as to drain more excess water from the body through the kidney.
When taking care of patients, family members should always pay attention to the changes of patients' condition, such as dizziness, black stool, abdominal distension, changes in face, limbs and mental state. If there is any abnormality, you should see a doctor in time. It is best to regularly measure body temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure and record the amount of in and out.
Remember: regular review and avoid the use of drugs that cause great damage to the liver and kidney, so that on the basis of comprehensive care, the recurrence of ascites can be prevented to the greatest extent.
Finally, for patients with ascites, whether to be hospitalized for treatment is determined according to the amount of ascites.