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Do you know about hepatitis B?

Counts:3362021-11-19 13:32:21  Source:邯郸肝病医院|邯郸朝阳中医院|中医疏通化纤法|淋滞疏通丸|羚羊清肝胶囊|佛手托魂丸|肝硬化腹水|肝癌腹水——邯郸市肝病研究所

What is the reason why people talk about hepatitis B? How terrible is hepatitis B? I believe that only when we understand the hepatitis B will face it calmly, will we actively prevent it. Hepatitis B is a kind of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis B is the abbreviation. The full name should be hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B mainly invades the liver and causes liver damage. In addition, there are many types of hepatitis B. First, acute hepatitis B is the majority. Many patients have more chronic hepatitis than acute hepatitis, because our country is a large hepatitis B, and about 50% of the chronic hepatitis patients in our country are from mother to child transmission, so it will become chronic. In addition to acute hepatitis B, there are chronic hepatitis B and explosive hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis B is complex and a very big medical problem in our country. There are already very successful hepatitis B vaccines, so the disease is completely preventable and treatable.
Infected hepatitis B usually has the following four routes of transmission:
I. spread through blood, such as plasma or other blood products that are infected with hepatitis B.
2、 Mother to child transmission, such as vertical transmission of the virus from pregnant women to newborns through the birth canal.
Three, iatrogenic transmission, tooth filling, shaving, pedicure, medical equipment contaminated by hepatitis B virus, if not thorough disinfection, may cause hepatitis B transmission.
Four. It differs from man to man. The intimate sexual behavior between homosexuality and heterosexuality is an important way of transmission of hepatitis B virus, including the spread of family spouses, but the probability of sexual transmission is about 14%, which varies from person to person.
Hepatitis B virus enters the body, part of the infected person carries the virus all his life. In some cases, hepatitis B virus has proliferated and destroyed liver cells under certain conditions.
The most effective way to prevent and cure hepatitis B is to inoculate hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis B vaccination generally injections of 3 needles, injection of the first needle, 30 days after injection of second needles, and then 5 months after injection of third needles. After the three injection is completed, the injector should check the hepatitis B antibody in the medical institution. If it is positive, it means that the hepatitis B virus is already resistant and the chances of being infected are greatly reduced. If it is negative, then continue to inoculate hepatitis B vaccine until positive.
I believe that only by understanding the enemy of hepatitis B can we know each other and win every battle.

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