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What should you notice when you get hepatitis B?

Counts:4122021-11-19 13:31:12  Source:邯郸肝病医院|邯郸朝阳中医院|中医疏通化纤法|淋滞疏通丸|羚羊清肝胶囊|佛手托魂丸|肝硬化腹水|肝癌腹水——邯郸市肝病研究所

Hepatitis B is a kind of infectious disease. Many people have been infected with hepatitis B. What do they need to pay attention to in their daily life? We should pay enough attention to hepatitis B. First of all, we should adjust our mindset. After hepatitis B, it does not mean that it will affect the body of the individual. It does not mean that it will affect life. So we should treat hepatitis B correctly and do regular monitoring under the guidance of doctors.
First of all, we should pay attention to whether the liver function is normal, whether the liver morphology is normal, whether it has progressed to the degree of liver cirrhosis, and whether tumor markers such as alpha fetoprotein suggest the risk of liver cancer. At this time, we can carry out relevant treatment by clarifying the physical condition. We should also check the situation of virus, for example, five hepatitis B and DNA quantitation of hepatitis B virus. The DNA of hepatitis B virus determines the size of infection. If the virus is relatively high, the possibility of transmission of hepatitis B through blood is relatively high. If the virus is relatively low, the possibility of transmission of hepatitis B is small. But no matter how much the virus is, as long as it is hepatitis B patients, it can be transmitted to others through blood. For those who are close to themselves, whether they are family members or colleagues, they should check five quantitation of hepatitis B, and then determine whether hepatitis B vaccine is needed according to the five quantitative results of hepatitis B. As long as the people around them are injected with hepatitis B vaccine and get the surface antibody of hepatitis B, they can be immune to hepatitis B virus and can be assured of contact and will not infect them.
At present, if hepatitis B can be given comprehensive antiviral treatment and other comprehensive treatment, it can effectively control the disease and prevent the occurrence of end-stage liver disease. In addition, hepatitis B patients should also pay attention to develop good eating habits, scientific and reasonable diet, good living habits are the foundation of disease stability.

Next:Do you know about hepatitis B?

Last:What is hepatitis C?

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